United Service Workers Union (USWU), IUJAT

United Service Workers Union (USWU), IUJAT is a labor organization located in New Rochelle, NY.

USWU, IUJAT Local 455 Financial Report 2024

Every year, unions are required to file financial reports with the U.S. Department of Labor. These reports provide a detailed account of the money collected and spent by the union, highlighting the sources of income and how the funds are utilized.

Where does the Union spend its money?

Although Local 455 files an LM4 report, which does not disclose detailed financial information, we are committed to maintaining transparency. Therefore, we are providing insights from the International Union's LM2 report for 2024 (October 1st, 2023 – November 30th, 2024). This report includes comprehensive details on receipts and disbursements.

$9,385,962 Representational Activities – Money spent by the international attempting to organize non-union workers

$7,416,873 Union Employee Benefits – Health, welfare, retirement benefits for employees of the Union itself

$52,599 Political Activities & Lobbying – This is money spent on political lobbying and donating to the Union’s selected political candidates

$961,627 General Overhead - There is no specific definition of this term. It could include various general costs of operating the Union and maintaining its physical assets

$2,969,949 Taxes to the International - Taxes paid to the International Union of Journeyman and Allied Trades (IUJAT) from dues the United Service Workers Union (USWU) collects from its members

$234,836 Union Administration - Money that the Union spends on internal affairs

$0 Strike Benefits - Money that the Union disburses to its members during a strike.

* The information on this page is available at www.dol.gov Source: USUW, IUJAT 2024 LM2 Report


All unions, including USWU, IUJAT, have an International Constitution that contains the rights and powers of union officials, as well as rules and obligations all members must follow. According to the Unions Constitution:

  • As a member you are authorizing the union to negotiate your wages, hours, benefits, and other conditions of your employment on your behalf. Article IV.

  • By becoming a member of the union, you are required to sign any documents or forms that the union's executive board deems necessary. Article V. Section B

  • The minimum dues the union will charge a member is $16 per month. Article XII.

  • The union can bring members up on internal disciplinary charges for not adhering to the rules of the union, such as attempting to decertify the union. At a hearing, the trial body consists of three union members. Article XIV.