Welcome to www.cioccaspeakselectioninfo.com, a website designed to provide easy-to-find information about unionization and the United Service Workers Union, Local 455, IUJAT petition for a representation election at Ciocca Auto.

A Note From Ciocca

About This Website

In this video Priscilla DiFeo, Ciocca HR, introduces this website and explains how it provides information about unionization, your rights, and the collective bargaining process.

In the near future, many of you at our dealership will have the opportunity to vote in an in-person secret ballot election to determine whether, as a group, you wish to be represented by the United Service Workers Union, Local 455, IUJAT. We hope to address many of your questions here.

Our advice to voters is simple: please do your own research and ask tough questions of both sides. We are approaching the possibility of USWU at Ciocca with an open mind. We want every voter to make an informed decision. You deserve to understand the full picture before you cast your vote.

Union organizers are permitted by law to make broad claims about what they might be able to accomplish on your behalf. They are not required to support these claims with evidence or facts. Conversely, Ciocca managers are not permitted to make any promises about what we might or might not do if you vote YES or NO for USWU, IUJAT. While we are limited in what we are allowed to say, we can assure you, as a matter of fact and experience, that transitioning from a non-union to union environment has a significant impact on any organization. This would be especially true at Ciocca. The decision to support a union is a personal one. Please vote and have your voice heard.

We hope this site is helpful to you as you consider both sides. The site will be updated frequently with new information, so please check back regularly.